Today I will expand on the results and benefits of bringing these four tattvas into your, internalizing all the four tattwas, what it can cause to you.
Please understand! Come to the space of listening!
I am defining “suffering”. Suffering is nothing but “the fight between the frozen part of you and the flowing component of life.”
Please listen! Suffering is nothing but the fight between the frozen part of you and the flowing component of life. Life by its very nature is alive, active, flowing. But, your logic by its very nature is frozen, cold, insensitive. And, do you know a very funny thing? Your logic will be insensitive to life, but it will always make you believe life is insensitive to you! Alright! It is the truth. Okay. Part of us is frozen and that fights with life, and so the suffering happens. That fight is the suffering. What is the way to get out of this suffering? What is the way to end the war?
Every war will end only with an agreement, with a settlement, with a pact, settlement-agreement. I tell you, the only settlement-agreement which can end the war in your life are the four principles: Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.
Please listen! Listen! Listen sincerely! Listen in the space of listening!
When you bring Integrity in your thinking, Authenticity in your actions, Responsibility in your being, Enriching in your life, your frozen inside melts down, starts becoming one with life. It becomes a part of life. Becoming part of life is what I call “Enlightenment”. Just becoming part of life is what I call “Enlightenment”.
Sometimes people tell me, ‘I don’t want spiritual life. I don’t want these four tattwas.’ It is like telling, ‘I don’t want to breathe. I don’t want blood circulation.’ Then what to do? You need to understand that there is no such thing as “spiritual life” and “normal life”. Life is life is a life is a life! Life is a life is a life is a life!
Please listen! When it is frozen and carries lot of suffering in body and mind, you can call that as a normal life. When lot of your frozen components melt down and you are able to flow with life beautifully, I tell you, if you have the frozen part of you only to the level of “boat”, that is okay. The boat can float on the river of life. But when the frozen part becomes one-third of the river, the river itself is blocked in you! Understand, an ice-bar can be floating on the river; nothing wrong. Even if you have a little resistance only to the level of ice-bar, ice-cube, you can float on the river. But, if your resistance is like a frozen river, the river itself is a block!
I have seen, sometimes this huge frozen ice becomes even a barrier for the river to flow; seventy-five percent of the water will be stuck; only ten-twenty-five percent of the water goes beyond that ice-cube, iceberg. If your life is frozen to that level, then even life cannot happen through you. So, the first thing you need is the four tattwas. It is the simple principles like breathing and eating. Mix Integrity with your breathing, Authenticity with your eating, Responsibility with your blood circulation, Enriching with your actions. Understand, all four are directly connected. When you start thinking with Integrity, your breathing will become beautiful and best. That is the best pranayama you can do. Thinking with Integrity is the best pranayama! That is the result of all pranayamas!
What is pranayama? Some part of you does not get enough of oxygen. Your brain needs to get a certain level of oxygen. Your heart needs to get a certain level of oxygen. Your blood circulation needs to carry certain levels of oxygen to all parts of your body. Your body getting proper oxygen supply is the purpose of pranayama. The purpose of pranayama is achieved if your whole body gets enough supply of oxygen.
I have seen some people: only the brain gets oxygen; the heart doesn’t get oxygen. Any other component, any other part of their body doesn’t get oxygen! And same way, some other people: only the heart gets oxygen; their brain has no function! For some people: only their private parts get oxygen, nothing else gets oxygen! These are the different types of people, different types of life. So, pranayama is needed to balance and enrich the whole body with enough prana energy. If you think with Integrity, that will happen! If you think with Integrity, that will happen!
Listen! If you think with Integrity, that will happen!
Integrity will melt down all the blockages you carry in your breathing pattern. I can tell you, the physical result of Integrity is, all your breath-related, the air circulation-related, breathing-related problems will disappear and it will bring a lot of courage in your thinking.
Please understand! Listen, I am making a very important statement. Most of your sufferings are because you are afraid to think about some parts of your life, some components of your life. You are afraid of thinking! You always think, because you are thinking you are getting fear! No! You are actually afraid of thinking! That is why those thoughts may cause fear in you, you think, and then you stop thinking!
Listen! I am giving you an example. You think if you think about ghosts, you will have fear. But I tell you, because you are afraid to think about ghosts and its side-effects and after-effects, you are suffering. It is not that because you think about ghosts you are suffering. Because you are afraid to think about ghosts and its after-effects you are suffering. Fear of thinking! And, you also need to know, thinking about ghosts and its after-effects is not going to bring that effect on you. Thinking about the fire and its after-effects is not going to burn your body! When you have that clarity, you will know how not to be afraid of thinking.
Please listen! When you don’t have any fear of thinking about ghosts and its after-effects, you will never think about ghosts and have fear! Please get it! I am unlocking one of the important self-doubting structures of your being. Please understand! I am giving you the formulae of “life algebra”!
See, sometimes there will be a knot with which you are caught. You do not know where it starts and where it ends and how to unlock it! This is one of the important knots: If you think that when you think about ghosts you are frightened, shaken, so you should not think about ghosts, then you are wrong! You are not getting fear because you think, you are getting fear because you don’t want to think! And when you have the fear because you don’t want to think, that knot will continue to remind you of which you don’t want to think. It is like you don’t want to think about ghosts, then what will you be doing the whole day? You will be thinking you don’t want to think about ghosts! It is like the doctor telling, ‘Don’t remember monkey and drink this medicine!’ Can you ever drink that medicine? No! The moment you want to drink the medicine, the monkey is there in front of you and inside you!
Listen! So, ironing out your inner space and liberating yourself from fear of thinking is Integrity!
Understand, I am defining Integrity. When you practice Integrity, you will be free from fear of thinking!
You can nicely, comfortably sit and you will be able to think, ‘If ghost comes, what will happen? What all will be the possibility? It may just snatch my one hand and eat! And if it doesn’t feel satisfied, it may just pluck my one leg and eat! Then what else?’ If you are able to get to the extreme of any thinking logically without the fear or resistance, I tell you, that flow of thinking will not even happen in you a second time!
Listen! I am giving you one example: If you are afraid of ghost. There are some people who are afraid of disease. There are some people who are afraid of jail. There are some people who are afraid of poverty. About whatever you are afraid of, sit and in a very cool way, comfortable way, know very clearly that just because you are thinking you are not going to have it. Millions of things about which you thought, you did not have them. You always wanted a private jet, did you get it? No! You always wanted this, this, this, this, this; did you get it? No! So, know very clearly, mere thinking is never going to get you the results. Only creating a space is going to get you the results. “Creating the space” means, taking the responsibility along with thinking.
So, sit comfortably and tell yourself clearly, ‘Now I am going to merely allow myself to think to the extreme conclusions, the logical conclusions of any thought-trend about which I am afraid of. If I am afraid of poverty, let me sit and think about the extreme possibility of poverty. If I am afraid of being jail, let me sit and think about the extreme possibility of being in jail. If I am afraid of death, let me sit and think about the extreme possibility of death. If I am afraid of any disease, let me sit and think about the extreme possibility of disease.’
Listen! The fear of thinking does not let you think beyond a certain limit. Then that does not mean that fear is going to make you forget about that subject completely. For example, if you are afraid of a disease and you don’t think logically to the extreme end of the disease, it is not that your inner space will never remember about that disease. Logically you will not think, but unconsciously you will be brooding over it. I tell you, anything which stays in your unconscious as a weight and makes you brood over, bring all of them out and consciously think through to the logical conclusion. With Integrity, fear of thinking will disappear, and once the fear of thinking disappears, thinking cannot cause fear to you!
Please understand, as per the mutual law of Dhamma….. Please listen, the Cosmos functions with a law: Don’t give to others what should not be given to you. Don’t give to others what should not be given to you. If you don’t give to others what should not be given to you, what should not be given to you will not be given to you by others. It is a Cosmic law of life. Listen! Please internalize! When you don’t have fear of thinking, thinking will not give fear to you! It will not have fear of you! Both of you – you and your thinking – come to a war agreement: ‘Till today, we had war. Let us stop the war. Let us come to an agreement. Let us come to “cease fire” today. I will not be afraid of you; you don’t be afraid of me.’ That agreement is what I call as “Integrity”. You not having fear of thinking, and thinking not having fear of you; that agreement is “Integrity”.
Please understand! So the first thing you need to do in your life is, sit and think about all the subjects, dimensions, space and happenings of your life which you are not interested in thinking, about which you are afraid of thinking. If you are afraid of poverty, you have to sit and think, ‘What all can be the logical conclusions and effects of my poverty about which I am afraid, about which I don’t want to think?’ Sit and think, think, think. I am not saying bring that poverty to you. No! I am just saying, think, think, think. In a few days, I tell you, just in a few days – it may not take more than three-four days – your fear of poverty will dissolve! Please listen, whenever you do not have fear of thinking about something, that will not continue to haunt you and sit in your unconsciousness as weight.
Please listen! People who have a matted lock, Shiva jata hairstyle….. Actually, even three-four matted locks is equivalent to the normal person’s thickest hair, because if you open the matted lock and make it into normal hair, it will be ten times more voluminous! Please listen! Understand this example! Actually, two-hundred separate strands of hair whatever area it occupies in your head, when it becomes a single matted lock it will occupy only one-tenth of that space, because it becomes very thick! Same way, brooding over a thickened thought-trend. If you are afraid of poverty and never iron out by logically thinking about it that will sit in you like a knot, like a strand of thick hair. Same way, the part which sits in you which you don’t want to think about, but which continues to sit in you and attracts your attention that swallows your energy.
Please listen! If you are afraid of poverty, but don’t want to think about it logically, it is not that you are not going to think about poverty; you will constantly be afraid of poverty and brooding over poverty unconsciously, wasting all your energy, because that is going to be sitting in your lungs, in your heart like a big tumor; in your unconscious space as a big tumor. Ironing out your thinking and not being afraid of thinking about anything, taking any thinking to the logical conclusion, is “Integrity”!
Please listen! Whenever you want to think about poverty, death, jail, you are always afraid that if you think about all that, it may come in your life (as reality). But, whenever you want to think about richness, getting your desires fulfilled, you always have the fear, ‘even if I think about it, I will not get it.’ See the funny way your brain functions! All the things you want, you always think you are not going to get them. All the things you don’t want, you always think even by thinking you will get it. See, all the things you want in your life, you always think you won’t get them even if you work for it! But all the things you don’t want in your life, you always think you will get them even if you just think about them!
Life is not that unfair with you! Whatever happens in your life happens only after you think and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. The ghost will happen in your life if you take the responsibility of inviting it. Poverty will happen in your life only when you take the responsibility of inviting it.
Please listen! Anything, anything happens only when you take the responsibility of inviting it, making it happen. You should know very clearly, you should know very clearly, you should see your own hypocrisy. Which you don’t want in your life, you feel even if you think about it, it will come! Which you always want in your life, you think even if you work for it, it will not come! What a funny belief space we create about life and then go on blaming life! If you create this kind of space, how will the life respond to you? Ironing out your thinking to the logical flow needs to be done as the first step in your life.
First thing you need to do today, sit and list out all the zones you are afraid of. If you are afraid of disease, first, disease; then next, death; third, jail; fourth, poverty; fifth, losing all the relationships; sixth, living your life in loneliness, seventh, living the life of being unattended; eighth, living the life without having any attention! Whatever you are afraid of – there are some people who have the fear of living life losing their mental balance, being mad – whatever fear you have, write it down and logically, sit and think about it. When you lose fear of thinking, thinking loses fear of you! When both of you lose fear of each other, you live happily, blissfully, married together forever! You live happily ever after! Having eternal romance with your thinking is “Integrity”!
Integrity takes away the fear component in your thinking. You can think about anything. You will take responsibility for the right thing. You will think about anything! You will take responsibility for the right thing. You will not have this perverted faith about you and your own life. Please understand, the “perverted faith” is: Whatever you don’t want, you are always afraid that even if you think about it, it will happen in you! Whatever you want, you are afraid that even if you take responsibility, it will not be given to you! It is the perverted reception to life!
~Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda (from Daily Morning Satsang on September 19)
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