In the Upanishads (collection of spiritual texts that form theoretical basis for the Hindu religion), the word nada brahmas is mentioned which means from sound, the existence expresses itself. Everything in this universe is made out of subatomic particles called quarts. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that it is the nada (sound in Sanskrit) that acts as an energy binding the quarts together, thus creating a solid form called matter. So, any solid matter, including our body, is created out of nada. A great saint who lived a few centuries ago, Arunagirinathar, sang a beautiful verse regarding creation.
nada bindu kalaathi namo namo
The subatomic particles or the quarts are poetically described as the bindu while the life force energy or the force which creates matter is poetically described as nada. Swamiji explains that the saint describes creation through nada poetically by describing Subramanya (a Hindu deity), an expression of Shiva (one among the Hindu Trinity), as the lord of nada and bindu.
Just as sound is responsible for the creation of the human body, it is also responsible for any kind of physical or mental sickness an individual would have. The quart, by its nature, is pure consciousness and is free of all disease. Once the quart-binding energy field that is responsible for the disease is altered, the disease gets cured automatically. Healing happens when work is done on the nada (not on the bindu).
Healing can happen in two ways – by creating the right sound and repairing the wounded nada through sound or by taking the disturbed nada structure to a being in whom anahata dhvani (uncreated sound or the sound which is created without any collision of matter) happens continuously. Thus, mental and spiritual health is restored through the right sound. When the wounded nada being goes near a being in anahata dhvani, his whole body and mind goes through a complete restructuring and healing. The brain is rewired, the consciousness is raised, and a cognitive transformation happens. That is why the master’s anahata dhvani is called sarva roga nivarini (the cure for all diseases). The sounds created out of the anahata dhvani is mantra.
The whole world follows one of these two traditions – light based and sound based. Traditions that were created by manipulating light particles are light based traditions and traditions that were created by working with nada are sound based traditions. While the western world used light particles as the foundation on which science progressed, the Vedic tradition focused on sound. In the Vedas, it is written that the pushpaka vimanam (ancient flying chariots) functioned by creating a particular vibration. Weapons were employed using sound vibrations. Vedic masters were able to summon the Sun and the Moon through sound. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that it is time to rediscover this science and make it available to humanity again. He says he and his sangha (spiritual community) have already taken up the science of using soundless sound and mantras for transformation.
When you chant your mantra, visualize that it is rotating around the throat in a circulating rotating way. See, normally, you utter in linear way – this is japa. Ajapa means, the sound and mantra should be moving in circular way. When you visualize that, your mouth is locked and you will feel immediately the mild vibration of that mantra.
When chanting, wear an energized rudraksha bead exactly on the Vishuddhi chakra, in the hollow of the throat. This is the place where the air is getting converted into sound. If you wear energized rudraksha there, constantly every word coming out will have the coat of that mantra. It becomes like the ajapa japa. Maybe we can give a new name – eN-Chanting! You will see this rudraksha and the mild vibration meeting, and the kundalini in you will be awakened.
In the Tibetan tradition they have the prayer wheel. When they chant the mantra om mani padme hum, they have a wheel to visualize the circular movement of the mantra. If you want to train your mind, have a prayer wheel. It can raise the awareness. See, how much ever you practice, you forget to unclutch continuously. But when you are chanting the mantra, it is action-based. As you are programmed for action, inaction-based restful awareness is constantly forgotten and missed by you. But the action-based awareness can be powerful process for enlightenment.
~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda
The Guru Mantra is Om Hreem Nithyanandaya Namah.
- Om is the primordial sound and is the representation of the male, Shiva energy.
- Hreem is the bija mantra (seed sound) which has no linguistic meaning but has a powerful vibration which awakens the feminine energy inside us.
- Nithyananda is invoking the name of the Master – the expression of the ultimate Truth of Nithyananda. Nithyananda also means eternal bliss. You give a clear intention to your being and the universe about your ultimate desire – eternal bliss or enlightenment.
- Namaha means ‘I don’t exist’. It is the laying down of both ‘I’ and ‘mine’ at the feet of the Divine. This is the beautiful technique of surrender. You surrender your ego to the Master, and your self to the Self.
The mantra can replace your inner chatter which, as of now, is mostly unnecessary thoughts which cause confusion and drain energy. When your inner chatter gets purified, it will result in a great clarity of thought, an amazing surge of energy in you and an intense enthusiasm and excitement for life.