Shiva Laksharchana Puja

Shiva Laksharchana Puja
Sunday, April 14th 12.30pm A Grand LAKSHARCHANA Puja to Lord Shiva will be performed for the first time at the temple, with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam's blessings to mark the auspicious start of the New Year. Archana is "chanting and glorifying the Divine Name".  Laksha is 100,000.  Laksharchana is chanting the Divine Names as Mantra in a group. SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE ...

Daily Guru Puja & Shiva Puja

Daily Guru Puja & Shiva Puja
Daily 7pm to 8.30pm, Experience Shaktipada with Sadashiva with Daily Guru Puja & Shiva Puja When you bring depth in your actions, simple Shiva Puja is enough, you will be in Shaktipata whole day and night. - Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji Daily, at 7pm, We perform the Guru Puja, Shiva Puja along with Abhishekam (holy bath). It is a powerful time as auspicious vibrations reverberat...

Browse the Cosmic Archives – Akashic Readings

Browse the Cosmic Archives – Akashic Readings
Every Friday & Saturday at 9 to 10am  Akashic Records are the mystical energy records of all the events that have ever happened, are happening and will happen in the cosmos. But the key to decode them correctly is in the hands of a very few enlightened beings.  They are stored in the hiranyagarbha (Cosmic womb) or karya brahman in a coded form.  Now, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is openi...